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No. Poster Title Presenter
00 Study of the Regional Earth System for Sustainable Development under Climate Change in the Greater Bay Area (2024-2028) -
Topic 1: Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics and Climate Change


Improving tropical cyclone rapid intensification forecasts with satellite measurements of sea surface salinity and calibrated machine learning Hui SU
02 Submesoscale Kinetic Energy Induced by Vertical Buoyancy Fluxes During the Tropical Cyclone Chunhua QIU
03 Change of Kinetic Energetic Exchange between Near-Inertial Waves and Mesoscale Eddy/Diurnal Tide during Typhoon Rai Zhipeng ZHANG
04 Diurnal variability of mixed layer overturning instabilities from glider array observations in the South China Sea     Ruixi ZHENG
05 Estimating Three-Dimensional Structures of Eddy in the South Indian Ocean From the Satellite Observations Based on the isQG Method  Zhiqiang CHEN
06 Intrathermocline Eddy with Lens-Shaped Low Potential Vorticity and Diabatic Forcing Mechanism in the South China Sea     Yuyi LIU
07 Simulating the Effects of Super Typhoon Mangkhut on Coastal Hydrodynamics: Insights from SCHISM simulation    Quan Xin ZHENG
08 Dynamics of Kuroshio separation and associated eddy formation and instability off southern Japan   Yongkang YUAN
09 Deep Kinetic Energy Response to the Variability of the Kuroshio Extension   Jie-Hong HAN
10 Dynamics of the counter-wind currents over the China Shelf Sea     Weicong CHENG
11 Global coupled dynamics of tropical easterly waves and tropical cyclone genesis     Xueqing DU
12 Nutrient Budget and Dynamics over the East China Sea (ECS) Shelf    Yanning LIU
13 On spectral nudging and dynamics to improve representation of marine cloud and precipitation over the China Sea in summer    Wenfeng LAI
14 Direct assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen deposition by phytoplankton under emission scenario    Chenyu LUO
15 Impacts of internal atmospheric variability and external Indian and Pacific Ocean SST forcing on interannual variability of summer western north Pacific subtropical high   Marvin Xiang Ce SEOW
16 Ocean Subsurface Has Significant Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Genesis   Cong GAO
17 A two-way coupled high resolution wave hindcast for the South China Sea and trends in the significant wave height distribution   Tiziano BAGNASCO
18 Latitudinal dependence and interannual evolution of the circulation in the South China Sea     Zhe GUO
19 Layered Circulations and Dynamics in the Philippine Sea     Linlin LIANG
20 Global Increase in Rain Rate of Tropical Cyclones Prior to Landfall    Quanjia ZHONG
20A Aquatic pollution contributes to enhanced greenhouse gas emission from the coastal waters of eastern Hong Kong     Ho Wen LO
Topic 2: Biogeochemical Cycles in Ocean-Land-Atmospheric System and Carbon Neutrality
21 Response of Sedimentary Nitrous Oxide Dynamics to Alternating Oxygenation    Guangbo LI
22 Machine Learning Insights the Impact of Water Masses and Climate Change on Planktonic Archaeal Community Biogeography in the East China Sea     Wei XIE
23 Compound low-oxygen extreme and heatwave events in global ocean     Changyu LI
24 Analyzing Chlorophyll Time Series in Hong Kong Waters using Linear and Non-linear Methods     Suixuan HUANG
25 Nitrogen isotopes identify the source of nitrous oxide in aquaculture systems Yang WANG
26 Evaluating Impacts of Hydrological Processes and Pollution Loadings on Hypoxia in an Urbanized Tidal River Network of China Based on Water Quality Model     Heng ZHANG
27 Variability of Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in the North River Basin     Qichun YANG
28 Exploring Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement viability through large-scale mesocosms, bioassay tests and sustained observations of ‘natural’ alkalinity outflows.   Mark HOPWOOD
29 Freshening of coastal wetlands weakens nitrogen removal and carbon preservation potential: the role of sulfate     Ziyan WANG
30 Quantifying the impact of microhabitats on nitrogen removal in coastal wetland sediments     Nga Man CHUNG
31 Establishing Ecological Redundancy Baseline for Hong Kong Mangroves     Wing Kwan SO
32 Observation of atmospheric deposition of inorganic and organic nitrogen at coastal Hong Kong: Deposition fluxes and seasonal variations     Xu YU
33 Unveiling Virus-Host Interactions in the Dynamic Marine Ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary     Ruixian SUN
34 Carbon and nutrient recycling in coastal sediments respond disproportionally to increasing organic matter inputs     Yuxuan LIN
35 Hidden Role of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon to River Ecosystem Vulnerability     Hongkai QI
36 Characteristics of effluent microbiomes in Hong Kong and their potential impacts after discharging into marine environment     Lok Yi TANG
37 Thermal response of bacterial metabolic activity and community composition in the coral reef     Jie XU
38 ENSO: a primary driver of the change in sea surface salinity contrasts in China Seas     Zhixuan WANG
39 Reconstruction of eukaryotic genomes reveals the diversification and adaptation of cosmopolitan picophytoplankton Mamiellales     Yangbing XU
Topic 3: Ocean Technology, Digital-Twin and Blue Economy
40 Multi-Agent Mobile Networking Observation Experiment at the Air-sea Interface of Ocean Eddy    Yi ZHANG
41 The generalized resolvent-based turbulence estimation with arbitrarily sampled measurements in time     Lin FU
42 Universal primers for metabarcoding cetacean environmental DNA with little amplification of non-target vertebrates     Masayuki USHIO
43 ChinaPlanktonNet: Towards an AIoT-based in situ Imaging Network for Marine Plankton Observation     Jianping LI
44 Innovative Optic Fiber Sensors for Accurate Ocean Salinity and Pressure Measurement   Junhao JING
45 Marine underwater radiometer technology and instruments   Ming SHU
46 Does plastic litter accumulate in submarine canyons?    Yuping YANG
47 Synthesize Large-scale in situ Images for Training Plankton Detection Algorithms     Zhen Ping LI
Topic 4: Earth System Study in the Greater Bay Area
48 Discerning natural and anthropogenic factors driving the variation of methane and nitrous oxide emission in a subtropical estuary     Zhengping CHEN
49 Quantitative assessment of nitrogen removal via floating oyster aquaculture in Shenzhen Bay     Rong Xin LIU
50 Periodical sewage intrusion threaten water quality in a coastal ecosystem in Southeast China     Alejandro PALOMO
51 Acetes blooms as a threat to nuclear power plants: hibernate accumulation in winter and spawning accumulation in spring Marine organisms could accumu     Xiaohong SUN
52 Spatiotemporal Evolution and Drivers of Nutrient Flux Over the Past Three Decades in the Pearl River Delta     Ying ZHANG
53 Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Subtropical Coastal Ecosystems: Integrated eDNA Metabarcoding Study of Biodiversity and Multi-trophic Interactions     Wenqian XU
54 Decadal acidification in a subtropical coastal area under chronic eutrophication     Hong Ming YAO
55 Variability and Dynamics of Wave Effects on Coastal Upwelling off Pear River Estuary     Shangfei LIN