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  Day 0, Oct 20  
17:30 Free shuttle bus (Crowne Plaza to Shaw Auditorium)
17:45 Registration Shaw Auditorium-
Multi-purpose Room
18:00-20:00 Cocktail Reception Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
20:10 Free shuttle bus (Shaw Auditorium to Crowne Plaza)
Text Area
Day 1, Oct 21
08:20 Free shuttle bus (Crowne Plaza to Shaw Auditorium)
08:30 Registration Shaw Auditorium-
Multi-purpose Room
Chair: Prof. Jianping Gan,  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall

Tim Cheng, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Invited: Predominant Biological Consumption over Physical Transport on Nutrient Budget within Mesoscale Eddies in the Oligotrophic Ocean
Minhan DAI, Xiamen University

Chair: Prof. Bo QIU,  University of Hawaii at Manoa
09:45 Investigation on Semi-Enclosed Circulation and Open Throughflow of the South China Sea 
Dongxiao WANG, Sun Yat-sen University    
10:00 Ocean Dynamics Driving High-resolution Eddy and Frontal Evolutions
Ruoying HE, NC State University
10:15 Tipping Point of Climate System and the AMOC Variability 
Xianyao CHEN, Ocean University of China
10:30 Group Photo   
10:35 Coffee Break Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
Chair: Prof. Hui WU, East China Normal University  
11:00 Characteristics of the Ageostrophic Currents in the Global Surface Ocean
Yan DU, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS
Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
11:15 El Niño Phase Transition by Deforestation in the Maritime Continent
Xin WANG, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11:30 Ocean Subsurface Impacts on Tropical Cyclone Genesis 
Lei ZHOU, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
11:45 Atmospheric Diabatic Forcing for the Intrathermocline Eddy Generation and Enhanced Mixed Layer Overturning Instability
Zhiyou JING, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
12:00 On Dynamical Decomposition of Multiscale Oceanic Motions: An Update
Zhiyu LIU, Xiamen University
12:15 Lunch  
Chair: Prof. Ruoying HE, NC State University Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall

The Expanding, Climate-Driven Threat of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium Catenella in the Pacific Arctic

Donald M. ANDERSON, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

15:00 Regional Earth System Study Under Climate Change
Jinaping GAN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  
15:15 Evolution of Groundwater System in the Pearl River Delta and its Adjacent Shelf Since the Late Pleistocene
Jimmy JIAO, The University of Hong Kong    
15:30 Groundwater as an Understudied and Misunderstood Component of the Earth System in the Greater Bay Area
Yan ZHENG, Southern University of Science and Technology
15:45 Coffee Break Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
Chair: Prof. Jimmy Jiao, The Univesity of Hong Kong  
16:00 Keeping the Ocean Blue
Hong ZHANG, Blue Engineering & Consulting
Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
16:15 STImp: AI Spatiotemporal Imputation and prediction of chlorophyll-a concentration in coastal oceans
Can YANG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
16:30 DREAMs: Data-driven AppRoaches for Exploring Biogeochemistry of Aquatic EcosysteMs
Ding HE, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
16:45 Poster Exhibition Shaw Auditorium-
Foyer Exhibition Space
17:45 End  
18:00 Shuttle Bus (Shaw Auditorium to Crowne Plaza) Shaw Auditorium-
Side Door
18:30 Banquet at Crowne Plaza Crowne Plaza
Text Area
Day 2, Oct 22
08:30 Free Shuttle bus (Crowne Plaza to Shaw Auditorium)
Chair: Prof. Jingping XU, Southern University of Science and Technology Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
09:00 Invited: 
Global-scale Responses of the Blue Planet to Climate and Environmental Changes: Implications for Earth’s Greenhouse Gas Budgets and the Climate System

Pierre A.G.  REGNIER, Université Libre de Bruxelles
09:30 Autotrophs’ Niche Partition Shapes the Vertical Structure of Inorganic Nitrogen Species in Stratified Ocean
Shuh-ji KAO, Hainan University    
09:45 Nutrient Limitations on Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Tropical Western North Pacific and their Impacts on Diazotrophs’ Response to Ocean Acidification
Haizheng HONG, Xiamen University    
10:00 Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Pearl River Estuary: Temporal Variations and Hydrographic Proxies
Guizhi WANG, Xiamen University     
10:15 Shifting from Inventory-based Monitoring Towards Process-oriented Time-series Studies
Qixing JI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
10:30 Coffee Break Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
Chair: Prof.  Xiaolin LI, Xiamen University  Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
11:00 Niche Partitioning in the Cosmopolitan Eukaryotic Picophytoplankton
Charmaine YUNG, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
11:15 A Bay of Two Tales: Top-down Control on Phytoplankton and Nutrient Removal by Oyster Aquaculture
Liuqian YU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
11:30 Carbonate Weathering Enhances Nitrogen Assimilatory Uptake in River Networks 
Yi LIU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
11:45 How Does Surface Energy Partitioning of Subtropical Forests Affect Regional Cloud Formation in the Pearl River Basin?
Jinshu CHI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
12:00 Nutricline Heaving Regulates Carbon Export in the South China Sea
Chuanjun DU, Hainan University
12:15 Lunch
Chair: Prof. Xianyao CHEN, Ocean University Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
14:30 Invited:
Exploring Long-Term Ocean Circulation and Eddy Variability based on 3-Decade Satellite Altimetry Measurements

Bo QIU, University of Hawaii at Manoa    
15:00 Theory on the Shoreward Penetration of Subinertial Oceanic Pressure Signals Over a Wide Shelf
Hui WU, East China Normal University
15:15 A Unified Theory for Tidally Averaged Coastal Flooding and Salt Intrusion in Estuaries
Huayang CAI, Sun Yat-sen University 
15:30 Pathways of Tropical Cyclone Induced Subsurface Warming in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
Fanghua XU, Tsinghua University 
15:45 A Direct Assessment of Langmuir Turbulence Parameterizations in Idealized Merging Boundary Layers in Coastal Oceans
Qing LI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
16:00 Coffee Break Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
Chair: Prof. Zhiyou JING, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
16:15 Asymmetry of Submesoscale Instabilities in Anticyclonic and Cyclonic Eddies
Hong Yang LIN, Xiamen University
16:30 Ages of Pearl River Diluted Waters in the Northern South China Sea in Summer
Zhiqiang LIU, Southern University of Science and Technology    
16:45 Making the Case for High-Resolution Regional Ocean Reanalyses - An Example with the Red Sea 
Peng ZHAN, Southern University of Science and Technology 
17:00 Nonlinear and Secondary Instability Analyses for the Current-undercurrent System in the Western Pacific Ocean
Xianliang CHEN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
17:15 End
17:30 Shuttle Bus (Shaw Auditorium to Crowne Plaza) Shaw Auditorium- Side Door
  Free time  
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Day 3, Oct 23
08:30                                                                    Free Shuttle bus (Crowne Plaza to Shaw Auditorium)  
Chair: Prof. Guizhi WANG, Xiamen University Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
09:00 Invited: 
Sediment Nutrient Dynamics in Large Lakes and Comparisons to Coastal Ocean 

Sergei KATSEV, University of Minnesota Duluth
09:30 Seasonal Inverse Variation between Dissolved Organic Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Surface Northwest Pacific Subtropical Gyre: Implications for Nutrients Cycling and Nitrogen Fixation
Xiao Lin LI, Xiamen University
09:45 Coral Reef-level Thermal Variability in an Internal Wave Hotspot Linked to Mesoscale Dynamics
Alex WYATT, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology   
10:00 Unraveling the Nexus of Carbon, Oxygen, and Nutrient Dynamics under Anthropogenic Pressure in Hong Kong Marine Ecosystems
Benoit THIBODEAU, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
10:15 The Role of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in Ecosystem Models to Depict Nitrogen-based Productivity Structure in Euphotic Zone
Huade ZHAO, Hainan University
10:30 Coffee Break Shaw Auditorium-
G/F Foyer
Chair: Jianping GAN, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shaw Auditorium-
Main Hall
11:00 Understanding and Improving the Simulation of Tropical Cyclones Through Clouds and Turbulence Processes
Xiaoming SHI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 
11:15 Patterns of Percentage Change in Cloud Fraction an Effectively Constrain Global Cloud Feedback
Jian MA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
11:30 Ageostrophic Correction of the Sea Surface Currents from Satellite Altimetry Data Based on Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Zhongya CAI, University of Macau
11:45 Langmuir supercell genesis: the critical interaction between Surface and Bottom Turbulence
Bicheng CHEN, Xiamen University
12:00 Impact of Asian Aerosols on the Summer Monsoon Strongly Modulated by Regional Precipitation Biases
Zhen LIU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
12:15 Lunch  
14:30 Poster Exhibition and Discussion Shaw Auditorium-
Foyer Exhibition Space
17:00 End  
17:05 Free Shuttle bus (Shaw Auditorium to Crowne Plaza)